What does Antibiogo do?

What does Antibiogo do?

Does Antibiogo help me to measure better inhibition zones?

Antibiogo performs a semi automatic measurement that has to be adjusted by you. If you don't measure well manually, you will not measure well with Antibiogo.

Is Antibiogo a clinical decision support tool?

Antibiogo is an In Vitro Diagnostic test that aims to ensure accurate interpretation of AST. Prescription and treatments are under the clinician's responsibility and it can not be done with the sole use of an AST results.

Is Antibiogo fully automatic?

Antibiogo performs a semi automatic measurement of Inhibition zone on your AST, these semi automatic measurements have to be adjusted and validated by you. The interpretation and application of expert rules is automatic but in some cases Antibiogo will require your input for eg for complementary tests or the observation of specific shape on the petri dish.

Who can use Antibiogo?

Laboratory technicians with experience in bacteriology working in a laboratory in Low and Middle Income countries.

Does Antibiogo manage the quality of my AST?

Antibiogo does not manage the quality of your AST. However with the QC for labs tool, you can check if your AST comply with expected results from EUCAST and CLSI recommendation for QC.

Does Antibiogo manage the identification of bacteria?

No, Antibiogo manages only the interpretation of AST. All steps related to identification and to preparation of AST have to follow EUCAST and CLSI guidelines. This remains the responsibility of each laboratory.

Website intended for healthcare professionals

According to the provisions of the Code de la Santé Publique, this website is exclusively intended for healthcare professionals. Please certify that you are a healthcare professional.

A healthcare professional is any person authorized to prescribe, dispense, or use in vitro diagnostic medical devices in the exercise of their profession.

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