Product Updates
July 30, 2024

A new version of Antibiogo is now available!

Including Eucast 2024 and two new major functionalities

A new version of Antibiogo is now available for its users in routine mode, using EUCAST 2024!

This new version includes two major functionalities:

• You can now read ASTs using multiple Petri dishes simultaneously.

QC for labs, a non-IVDR tool, enables laboratories to conduct AST quality control.

If you want early access to Antibiogo, please register through the “Contact” page, and we’ll get in touch with you shortly!

Currently, priority is given to institutions from Western and Central Africa using EUCAST guidelines, with access opening to other countries in the coming months.

In October, the CLSI version will be available to its users. Unlike the EUCAST version, it has not yet received CE marking. However, it is currently under certification, and clinical evaluations and performance data are already available.

Image copyright: Moawia Bajis / La Fondation MSF

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